View Full Version : Full size pistol holster confusion

08-09-2021, 05:00 AM
Do people just use universal holsters for full sized pistols? I just got an FNX45 that came with a case but no holster. For as much focus the gun community puts on good (or not good) holsters, I was surprised to find a major lack of options. To my frustration, searching for reviews lead to a bunch of results on how to concealed carry a full size pistol. I’m not going to carry it IWB, or daily. Seems like it’s either a Blackhawk/Safariland for +120 or a $20 nylon universal like a Condor drop leg. With the FNX seeming like a popular full size, what am I missing? I’ll carry it in the woods, hunting, camping ect. Mostly want the holster to protect the finish and trigger while it’s stored. What are others using for full sized pistols? Specifically the FNX 45 non tactical, currently no light on it.

08-19-2021, 01:29 PM
It's visible now, and open for comment.

08-21-2021, 04:44 PM
Why would you spend $800-$1000 on a pistol and then cheap out with a $20 holster ?
I never could understand that one.

All my holsters are of good quality leather and made specifically for each gun.
I do not like plastic holsters.

If you don't want to spend the money on a new one , look for a good used one.
They are out there.

08-21-2021, 09:12 PM
Why would you spend $800-$1000 on a pistol and then cheap out with a $20 holster ?
I never could understand that one.

All my holsters are of good quality leather and made specifically for each gun.
I do not like plastic holsters.

If you don't want to spend the money on a new one , look for a good used one.
They are out there.

I don’t really like the idea of leather on my firearms. Leather is a good trap for moisture, as well as having oil wicking properties. I know a lot of people don’t bat an eye at it but for me I prefer not. I’ve only ever had kydex and wasn’t sure if people were using nylon universal holsters for full sized pistols. I get spending $140 on a good holster for a carry gun for retention, comfort ect.. but it seems like a lot when the only real reason I’m wanting a holster is trigger protection. I believe I’m going to go with a Dara holster as they are kydex but in the $50 to $80 range and gun specific.

What’s your reason for not using plastic??